Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Here a Radish, There a Radish, Everywhere a Radish

We've been enjoying the radishes for a couple of days now. They started becoming a pretty decent size at around 26 days and now at 29 days are really crisp and juicy. We also started putting some of the arugula in our dinner salads. It really adds some punch to the store bought lettuce we've been eating.

Some of the arugula and the other lettuce seeds didn't sprout, so I bought some Burpee iceburg and bibb lettuce seeds from the hardware store and planted those in the bare spots in the south plot. I hope it's not too late in the season. It will be pretty hot when they mature.

The peppers and basil in the north plot were a complete bust. None of the seeds sprouted, so last week we bought some young pepper and basil plants, along with 3 types of tomatoes at the local nursery and put them in the north plot. Hope they do better than the seeds.

South Plot at 24 Days

First Radish of the Season